The company Tagliaboschi S.r.l. operates since 1960 in the production of pallets, industrial wooden packaging.

The company, over the years,is appreciated for the quality of the products placed on the market,it has consolidated its activities and slowly it is expanded. The company has made new investments and it has prepared plans for gradual expansion until it become the Tagliaboschi Srl, the reference point for the sector of pallets in the whole area of Frosinone and Lazio in general. The company became a limited company in 1997. Since its Exercise 2002 the company has launched a new production, complementary to that of pallet, pellets.

The Tagliaboschi is able to use the waste from the manufacturing process of the pallets, that is, wood shavings, sawdust and pieces of wood, as raw materials for the production of a solid fuel, and high-calorie source of clean energy, the pellets. The Tagliaboschi S.r.l. through this innovation process has managed to diversify its production, and at the same time to reduce internal energy consumption, because the pellets produced becomes a source of energy for the new machines that then do not use more gas or oil, with contraction of the costs of energy supply, and disposal costs. The products and services are offered with the guarantees of a controlled process in accordance with ISO 9001 - ISO 14001.







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